Our Wedding Styleboard

Elegant wedding
Our wedding by mrscrawford

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Monkey Suit

Tuxes have been picked out for the guys. We are getting them at Walkers Formal Wear in Knoxville. Measurements are supposed to be in by March 1st. I'm crossing my fingers on that one.

Here is a picture of what the guys will be sporting on August 2nd. It's a Calvin Klein suit....the funniest part is that Adam Foster and Julie Noonan (our friends who are getting married only a couple of weeks before us) picked out the EXACT same tux for their guys!!! What are the odds?!
The tuxes are scheduled to come in a week and a half before the wedding. We are planning a BBQ at my house (soon to be "our" house) for the Saturday prior to the wedding for the wedding party and their dates. The guys will then be able to try on their tuxes and make sure everything fits correctly. We will also enjoy the time with our closest friends as a HUGE THANK YOU for everything they have done for us and all of the love and support they have given us too!


JN said...

Wow the same tuxes, I guess we really are meant to be "couple friends"----or we just realized that it's gonna be freakin' hot and that one was the least heavy.